There are two types of buddhist teachings, esoteric and esoteric. Sonmudo (Zen Martial Arts), a training method in the form of esoteric Buddhism, has been secretly handed-down through the centuries. The training materializes an eight-fold path developed within four noble truths into a series of body movements. Sonmudo is a way to attain enlightenment through the body, mind, and breadth.

By purifying and harmonizing the three parts of karma-body, speech and thought-this training enables one to accomplish samadhi and ultimately nirvana. This training method consists of calming yoga, chakra breathing, health exercise and dynamic martial art and weapon techniques. One can attain a peaceful mind and body through the harmonization of dynamic but calm' movement and reach the state of emancipation.

Kumkang Banyawon offers and opportunity for teens and adults to train and develop a healthy physical education program and ultimately improve a social sport culture. This training should enhance a Buddhist's faith and the energy obtained through this training will offer a wholesome motive to purify society.




Graduate, Beom Uh temple training     
    institute, Ill
Masters degree in physical Education,     Dong Kuk University
Grand Master, Korea Buddhist Martial Art     Association Headquarters
Director, Intelligence, General Affairs     Department, Chogye Order
Director, Regulations, General Affairs     Department, Chogye Order
Master Monk, Kirim Temple, Kyongyu, 11th     Parish, Chogye Order
Director, Training, General Affairs     Department, Chogye Order
Chief, Sonmudo Missionary, Kumkang     Banyawon
